The next releases of 5.24.2 and 5.22.4 will contain a final resolution to this issue.
The rest of the changes needed to fully resolve the CVE were not included at this time as they risk breaking existing applications. ActiveState Perl, ActivePerl, 5.26 has full fix for CVE-2016-1238 & improvements for hashing, readline, optimized array, reference assignment and more. In the 5.24.1 and 5.22.3 releases, a partial set of changes were made such that the core modules and tools no longer search for "." with optional modules. After considerable debate and investigation into resolving this issue in a variety of ways, the Perl core team decided to get the other accumulated changes out for public consumption and continue to work on the CVE in the next release.
Under some conditions this vulnerability can lead to arbitrary code execution, for instance when the directory is writable (i.e. When "perl" wants to load an optional module it will look in the current directory. If you are not already aware, the problem relates to an unsafe module load path which includes the current directory ("."). 5.24.1 and 5.22.3 were originally held up so that the Perl 5 Core team could deal with CVE-2016-1238.

However, there is one ongoing security issue that is important to understand. If you want to have the files for x86 PC, you have to do all steps by setup-x86.exe on a Windows x86 PC.Source: ActiveState Blog ActiveState Blog ActivePerl 5.24.1 and 5.22.3 Steve Hay, a member of the Perl 5 core team, mentions in the community release announcement that "Perl 5.24.1 represents approximately 8 months of development since Perl 5.24.0 and contains approximately 8,100 lines of changes across 240 files from 18 authors." And with that, ActivePerl 5.24.1 becomes our recommended version suitable for production contexts. : The steps blow give the files contained by H2LOAD_dll_package_圆4.zip. I’ll write about my hard work to get these files (^_^ ). Files relevant to the CERT Advisory CA-97.17.sperl, a security problem found in 'suidperl' back in 1997. Excluding auto-generated files, documentation and release tools, there were approximately 370,000 lines of changes to 1,500. These files will help you in the case you compile Perl yourself from the source and you want to close the security hole. Perl 5.22.0 represents approximately 12 months of development since Perl 5.20.0 and contains approximately 590,000 lines of changes across 2,400 files from 94 authors. The test tells that the server supports HTTP/2 is good at dealing with concurrent streams than the server doesn’t support HTTP/2. The 'suidperl' is an optional component which is not installed, or even built, by default. See HTTPS with HTTP/2 and HTTPS without HTTP/2. I wrote like this before: ‘I don’t know why, but it looks like telling Apache without HTTP/2 is faster. Because the test might be a cyber attack for the server if you set numbers too high as values of -n -c -m. > h2load -n100000 -c100 -m10 If you do this test, you should create your own local server. Integer overflow in the duplication operator in ActivePerl allows remote. A fairing is something that makes it easier to use, smoother, more streamlined. A feature is something added to a program.
If you download one of them, you can do the test by h2load on your Windows PC. Vulnerabilities and exploits of Debian Debian Linux 8.0 Perl Perl 5.22.0 Perl. If you’re one of the millions of ActivePerl downloaders who want the support we provide in our Perl distribution, ActivePerl 5.24 is now available,with lots of new features and fairings.

One is H2LOAD_dll_package_x86.zip, another is H2LOAD_dll_package_圆4.zip. But, according to the current trend, I think you don’t need the spdylay package. Nevertheless, if you build nghttp2 on Cygwin, you need to build the Jansson and the spdylay before building it because Cygwin doesn’t have their packages. So, you can use h2load feature even if you don’t build nghttp2 by yourself.
Update information Edit(2016.Jan.4) Edit2(Feb.7) Edit3(Jun.18)Īctually, Cygwin has libev and nghttp2 packages now.