Once you have successfully compiled, you can create objects again.Before you can execute your class changes you must compile your project.Add the following method to the Wombat class: public void turnRandom().What happens? What type of function is WombatWorld()? How did you know that? right-click the WombatWorld class and select ‘new WombatWorld()’.Then right-click on the wombat, and you see that objects in the world also have a pop-up menu (Figure 2). Make sure you have a wombat in the world, and the scenario is not running.You will notice that the Run button changes to a ‘Pause’ button. This is equivalent to clicking the Act button over and over again, very quickly. Each object now acts – that is: each object does whatever it wants to do. Click the ‘Act’ button in the execution controls.

Shortcut: Make sure the Leaf class is selected, then hold down the Shift key and click into the world several times.Use the same process to add several leaves.You have just created a wombat object and placed it into the world. Control-click the Wombat class, select ‘New Wombat()’.Execution Controls ( ‘Act’, ‘Run’, slider).Other classes belong to the wombat scenario.“World” and “Actor” classes part of Greenfoot.You should see something similar to what is displayed as a background to this slide.If it doesn’t load with the Wombat scenario, open it by selecting Scenario/Open/Wombats.Open Greenfoot (found in the Applications folder).“Greenfoot was designed and implemented at the University of Kent, England, and Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia.”.It supports development of graphical applications in the Java™ Programming Language.”
“Greenfoot is a software tool designed to let beginners get experience with object-oriented programming.You can download Greenfoot to your personal computer from the Greenfoot website.